Nq meter working principle pdf

Based on the flow of current, the ferriwheel rotates which makes rotation of other wheels. Measurement of noise and vibrations by sound level meter 1. These flowmeters are suitable for the measuring of clean liquids and gases. Q meter l r signal v v generator multiply q by circuit c q meter tuning capacitor example.

Describes flow measurement using several kinds of secondary devices. When the meter is lowered in water and when it faces the current of water in the channel the wheel rotates. Specific speed is the speed required for delivery of unit flow against unit head. Rotameter working principle animation instrumentationtools. Electromagnetic meters uses electrical voltage to figure out water usage. It consists of flat circular plate which has a circular hole, in concentric with the pipe. The currentmeter with conical cups is more popular because of its accuracy and efficient working. Fundamental principles of electromagnetic flow measurement. It is commonly a handheld instrument with a microphone. Therefore, the analogue signals are converted to digital by the circuit called adc analogue to digital converter.

These blades impart a tangential velocity or swirl to liquids, gases or vapors. Types of energy meters and their working principles elprocus. Swirl meter the principle of operation of a swirl flowmeter is as follows. Watthour meter is in fact a measuring device which can evaluate and records the electrical power passing through a circuit in a certain time.

Nov 29, 2014 the traditional form of wattmeter is called as dynamometer wattmeter. The q meter measures the quality factor of the circuit which shows the total energy dissipated by it. The meter body has a set of blades welded at the inlet, called the swirler. It has a rotating aluminium wheel called ferriwheel and many toothed wheels. Energy meters are the basic part to measure the power consumption. The basic principle of the ph meter is to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions. Measurement of velocity by currentmeter with diagram. These meters exhibit high accuracy over a wide range of flow rates, and they are sensitive to low flow rates. The fluid is then accelerated by a reduction in the meter body bore. Do you know the measuring principle of variable area flow meter. Electromagnetic flow meters working principle electromagnetic flow meters, simply known as mag flow meter is a volumetric flow meter which is ideally used for waste water applications and other applications that experience low pressure drop and with appropriate liquid conductivity required.

What is the solution for the drawbacks of commonly used energy meters. It also explains the properties of the coil and capacitor. Jul 24, 20 a water meter is a device that measures the amount of water being used by a consumer. By implementing the watthour meter, we can know how much amount of electrical energy is used by a consumer. Principle of working of abt meter the cpu central processing units only accepts digital signals. What are the advantages and disadvantages of usual energy meters.

Implementation of a singlephase electronic watthour. The operations of this useful laboratory instrument is based on the familiar. It is difficult to measure the volume of gas because measured volumes are greatly affected by pressure and temperature. It is used everywhere, no matter how big or small consumption it is. Turbine flow meter is a volumetric measuring turbine type. Qmeter we know that every inductor coil has a certain amount of resistance and the coil should have lowest possible resistance. Diamond core drilling reference dimensions, weights and volumes u. Megger working principle is based on the working principle of movingcoil instruments, which states that when a currentcarrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, a mechanical force is experienced by it. A sound level meter slm is a kind of electronic measuring device that is used to measure and record sound pressure levels. Measure octave band spectra of grinding machine and transmission. The water meters style, purpose and size will dictate how the meter works.

The conductivity meter then uses the conductance and cell constant to display the conductivity. The magnitude of the induced voltage is directly proportional to the velocity of the conductor, the length of the conductor. The q meter uses in a laboratory for testing the radio frequency of the coils. If the velocity at any point decreases, the pressure at that point increases due to the conservation of the kinetic energy into pressure energy. Magnetic flow meters works based on faradays law of electromagnetic induction.

Turbine flow meter working principle instrumentationtools. The flowing fluid engages the rotor causing it to rotate at an angular velocity proportional to the fluid flow rate. Abt meters electrical substation analog to digital. Principle the figure shows the basic setup of an electromagnetic flowmeter emf for completely filled pipelines. As shown in the above figure, the wattmeter has two sets of coils. S bharadwaj reddy september 19, 2017 june 27, 2019. This also work on the same principle as that of venturimeter.

Implementation of a singlephase electronic watthour meter. The working principle construction, calibration etc. The conventional mechanical energy meter is based on the phenomenon of magnetic induction. By adopting a dsp and an ad converters, the flow measurement has been speeded up, and. So, electronic type of threephase energy meter is explained below with its working principle. Calibrate or check the calibration of sound level meter 2. Features the sensor of ultrasonic flowmeter ul330 is clamped on just outside of an existing pipe without any piping modification and time consuming installation work.

Here we discuss the construction and working principle of induction type energy meter. In simplest form, the pitot tube consists of a glass tube, bent at right. By adopting a dsp and an ad converters, the flow measurement has been speeded up, and the resistance to bubbles has been improved. Measure third octave band analysis of the source of noise in the given position 3. By implementing the watthour meter, we can know how much amount of electrical energy is used by a consumer or a residence or an electrically powered. According to this principle, when a conductive medium passes through a magnetic field b, a voltage e is generated which is proportional to the velocity v of the medium, the density of the magnetic field and the length of the conductor.

The ratio of the inductive reactance to the effective resistance of the coil is called the quality factor or qfactor of the coil. Thermal mass flow meters work by measuring the amount of heat transfer a gas. Special committees that follow and monitor the level of noise and its influence have been created in every country. What is the working principle of a magnetic flow meter. The traditional form of wattmeter is called as dynamometer wattmeter. Electronic meters need for prepaid energy meter system. It has been largely replaced in professional laboratories by other types of impedance measuring device, though it is still in use among radio amateurs. Symbol of power meter the traditional analog wattmeter is an electrodynamics instrument. It is mainly used in construction sites and some manufacturing facilities that expose its workers to loud sounds over a long period of time. Electronic energy meters are accurate, precise and reliable type of measuring instruments when compared to electromechanical induction type meters. Both the current and the potential are used to calculate the conductance iv. A q meter is a piece of equipment used in the testing of radio frequency circuits. The computational algorithm applies p v i in real time which is then tabulated over time to. It consumes a small amount of power, typically around 2 watts.

Prepaymentprepaid energy meter introduction and working. If you cannot read the numbers in the above image, reload the page to generate a new one. Oct 18, 2015 ph meter design and working principle 1. Abt meters electrical substation analog to digital converter. This meter is able to perform current, voltage and power measurements in three phase supply systems. Electronic meters consists of current and voltage sensors which sense the amount of current and voltage consumed and this analog signal is sampled and digitized using adcs. This article describes the basic function of a water meter and a velocity meter. They induce energy which is oscillating between the electric and. The online course goes on to discuss rotameters and other variablearea instruments. A ph meter is used to determine the acidity or alkalinity of the solution.

The arm through which fluid flows away from the axis of rotation. An induc tor is connected to the q meter coil terminals and resonated at the mea surement frequency, the q and tuning capacitance, q and c1, are read, the sample foils are then connected tothe q meter cap terminals ai. A q meter measures the quality factor of a circuit, q, which expresses how much energy is dissipated per cycle in a nonideal reactive circuit. Most of the time, this device is used to determine if a sound of an area is loud enough to damage a persons hearing. It is a cheaper device as compared to venturimeter. Jul 25, 2018 energy meters are the basic part to measure the power consumption. By using these three phase meters, it is also possible to measure high voltages and currents by using appropriate. The thermal mass meter measures gas flow based on the concept of convective heat transfer. The smart meter contains a microprocessor cw a wireless communication sim card, several sensors including rtc i. The cpu processes these input signals for finding kva vi, kwh vi cos, rkva vi sin and other parameters. The electromechanical induction meter operates by counting the revolutions of an aluminium disc which is made to rotate at a speed proportional to the power.

When there is mass flow, there is some twisting of the tubes. Magnetic fields and electrodes surround part of the pipe and when. The energy is the total power consumed and utilised by the load at a particular interval of time. This expression applies to an rf and microwave filter, bandpass lc filter, or any resonator. Principle of magnetic flow meter based on faradays law. Compares many kinds of positivedisplacement meters and explains the operation of several. A ph meter provides a value as to how acidic or alkaline a liquid is. They consist of upright conical tube made of metal. Working on the same principle as the electrical generator, faradays law states that a voltage will be induced in a conductor moving through a magnetic field. The dynamometer wattmeter works on the motor principle. Thermal mass flow measurement this thesis presents a comprehensive static model for a capillary type thermal mass flow sensor for gases using such a sensor, a meter is constructed which measures gas mass flow by means of a bypass arrangement which ensures a constant flow ratio between the sensor and the meters mam flow element.

Fixed restriction variable head type flow meters using different sensors like orifice plate, venturi. The meter which is used for measuring the energy utilises by the electric load is known as the energy meter. Tds 3032a00 september 1995 magnetic flowmeter fundamentals. Overview of flowmeter models matheson offers a complete line of variable area flowmeters to meet your application requirements. The water meter s style, purpose and size will dictate how the meter works. Explains how weirs, flumes, and other arrangements measure openchannel flow. Turbine flow meter working principle turbine flow meter is a volumetric measuring turbine type. Also explain the factors that cause errors during a q factor measurement. It is used in domestic and industrial ac circuit for measuring the power consumption. Covers principles of fluid flow and how primary devices affect fluid flow.

The qmeter is an instrument designed for the measurement of qfactor of the coil as well as for the measurement of electrical properties of coils and capacitors. Task 1 measurement of noise and vibrations by sound level meter. The meter also includes a piston or disc that triggers the motion of gears for recording the volume of liquid exiting the meter. Jul 25, 2018 watthour meter is in fact a measuring device which can evaluate and records the electrical power passing through a circuit in a certain time. Electrical energy meters principles and applications. For inductors where is the reactance of the inductor, is the. Sound level meter sound level meter in a working process excessive noise at the enterprises and the environment may have very grave results and influence the health of the workers hearing loss. When connected to loads, they consume less power and start measuring instantaneous. Gas flows by the heated flow sensor and molecules of the gas transport heat away, the sensor cools, and energy is lost. In practice, the polarity of v h determines the sign of the charge carriers. If you have a domestic water meter, it can come in three different models. Measuring or working principle of variable area flow meter. The meter is provided with a field to which entries can be made for this purpose ct or vt factor.

The emf consists of a nonferromagnetic measuring tube with an electrically insulating inner surface, and magnetic coils and electrodes that are arranged diametrically on the tube and are in contact. It was developed at boonton radio corporation in boonton, new jersey in 1934 by william d. The conventional method of electricity billing involves a person from the distribution unit reading the number of units of electricity consumed in the energy meter, conveying this information to the distribution unit and then preparing the bill according to the units consumed for a fixed amount of time. Task 1 measurement of noise and vibrations by sound level. Based on the flow of current, the ferriwheel rotates which. The diaphragm of the microphone responds to changes in air pressure caused by sound waves. In principle the working of the two types is based on the same theory and can be outlined as mentioned below. It also can be applied to an inductor or capacitor at a chosen frequency. Mar 04, 2020 what is the thermal mass flow meter working principle. Calibrate the sound level meter by vibrating table 4. The conductivity meter a typical conductivity meter applies an alternating current i at an optimal frequency1 to two active electrodes and measures the potential v. Jul, 2016 do you know the measuring principle of variable area flow meter. The purpose of the animations is to illustrate the operating principle, and to.

A gas meter is a specialized flow meter that can measure the volume of fuel gases such as propane and natural gas. The digital signals are then processed using a dsp or a microcontroller, which then displays the amount of energy consumed on a lcd or a led display. What is the thermal mass flow meter working principle. A mas s flow meter operating on the corioli s principle c ontain s a v ibra ting tube i n which a fluid flow caus es changes i n frequen c y, phase s hift or am plitude. From magnetic flow magflow meters icenta controls specialist in flow meters and level control since their introduction in the 1950s, magflow electromagnetic flow meters have become one of the most widely used flowmeter types for measuring wa.

Fundamental principles of diaphragm meters robert bennett american meter company introduction the first gas company in the u. The best type of microphone for sound level meters is the condenser microphone, which combines precision with stability and reliability. The sage flow meters are available in either inline flow bodies or insertionstyle. The resonance is the condition exists in the circuit when their inductance and capacitance reactance are of equal magnitude.

Inductance and capacitance measurements c voltage source r ac amplifier ac voltmeter 22 2 2 1 2 in in c rv rv aa rx r. This device is available in a purely electronic form too which is known as digital wattmeter. Working principle of a q meter, electrical engineering. The number of revolutions is thus proportional to the energy usage. Working principle of ph sensor electrode and ph meter used in quality control and manufacturing area. Meter using the msp430afe2xx feng hou, percy yu metering applications abstract this application report describes the implementation of a singlephaseelectronic electricity meter using the texas instruments msp430afe2xx metering processors. A sound level meter is used for acoustic sound that travels through air measurements. Apply sound calibrator on sound level meter microphone and verify that sound.

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